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Advanced swift updated for swift 4 pdf download

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Advanced Swift ·

About Swift Swift is a new programming language for iOS and OS X apps that builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility. Swift adopts safe programming patterns and adds modern features to make programming easier, more flexible, and more fun. Swift’s clean slate, backed by the mature and much- Chapter 4: ISO and SWIFT: SWIFT is a major con-tributor to ISO on many fronts. This part describes SWIFT’s long relationship with the standard, and the services that SWIFT can offer to help implementers and contributors. Chapter 5: Ten Great Things About ISO Finally, we give you ten good reasons why ISO is good for A deep dive into Swift’s features, from low-level programming to high-level abstractions. by Chris Eidhof, Ole Begemann, Florian Kugler, and Ben Cohen. In this book, we’ll write about advanced concepts in Swift programming. If you have read the Swift Programming Guide, and Author: Chris Eidhof

advanced swift updated for swift 4 pdf download

Advanced swift updated for swift 4 pdf download

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Advanced Swift by Chris Eidhof. Advanced Swift by Chris Eidhof. Airspeed Velocity. Advanced Swift takes you through Swift's features, from low-level programming to high-level abstractions.

In this book, we'll write about advanced concepts in Swift programming. If you have read the Swift Programming Guide, and want to explore more, this book is for you.

Swift is a great language for systems programming, but also lends itself for very high-level programming. We'll explore both high-level advanced swift updated for swift 4 pdf download for example, programming with generics and protocolsas well as low-level topics for example, wrapping a C library and string internals.

Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published March 18th by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform first published More Details Other Editions 5.

All Editions Add a New Edition Combine. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Advanced Swiftplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4.

Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Advanced Swift. Jan 08, Yigit Yilmaz rated it liked it. I have proceeded to read the book by highlighting important passages and taking note of them. And it took thirty-five pages for a small size notebook when completed. Maybe this number can comprehend to understand what it matters to reading this book. Otherwise, advanced swift updated for swift 4 pdf download, some of the chapters are basic I am a four years experienced developer and boring to read also I can say this book is about much more theory that explains what stands for behind the high-level virtualizations in Swift.

Probably it is not I have proceeded to read the book by highlighting important passages and taking note of them. Probably it is not going to affect the way of your writing code. But as in the title, it is aiming to explain advanced topics and when starting to look at this point of view it takes a unique position in iOS Development World.

I think it is a must-read. flag 1 like · Like · see review. A decent book, and delivered as expected from the good folks of Objc. Per there words, the book were guided mainly by their own topics of interests. There are many aspects from which you could approach Swift, advanced swift updated for swift 4 pdf download. This book doesn't quite assume or prefix a set of paradigms, but explores many topics that could be utilized by different paradigms and techniques.

It does a good job of exploring the standard library, and it takes a step ahead to discuss some useful patterns and best practices, availing A decent book, and delivered as expected from the good folks of Objc.

It does a good job of exploring the standard library, and advanced swift updated for swift 4 pdf download takes a step ahead to discuss some useful patterns and best practices, availing itself, just as Swift does, from the vast paradigms of the industry. If you have read Apple's The Swift Programming Language comprehensively, you'll be familiar with many of bits mentioned of the official library, and then you can go straight to the good bits of the examples and possible applications.

If you've just grabbed the quickest tutorial and jumped into Swift, i. if you still write Swift-flavoured Objective-C, then you definitely should give this book a good advanced swift updated for swift 4 pdf download of your time. flag Like · see review. Aug 08, Stefan Kanev rated it really liked it. It's fairly good book if you're doing Swift, but it could have been a bit more. In short, this book goes over a lot of things in Swift that you might not know about and explains them pretty well.

It shows a bunch of cool things and explains some things that you might have easily missed. Which is good. On the flip side, it doesn't feel "advanced enough". It shows some of the depth of the language, but it could have gone deeper. Yet it's still worth reading. It deserves an extra -1 star for typesetti It's fairly good book if you're doing Swift, but it could have been a bit more. It deserves an extra -1 star for typesetting in variable width font that I'm not going to award.

Jul 13, Alper Çuğun rated it it was amazing. A deep dive into Swift essential for every serious programmer. Jan 02, Alex Pelletier rated it it was amazing. Great book, really loved how in depth it was. Dec 16, Alex Prokofiev rated it it was amazing. Great book to improve your knowledge of swift language. Covered lots of topics that are missing in official book from Apple. Must read for every iOS developer. Nov 23, Fernando Fernandes rated it liked it. Nice overview of some of Swift's main features.

Probably won't apply most of the provided info in real-world projects tho. Still an ok book I guess. Apr 10, Jens rated it really liked it Shelves: computers.

Solid coverage of most of the trickier features of the Swift programming language. Each chapter focuses on one area — "Collections", "Error Handling", "Generics", Protocols", etc.

Some chapters stay general-purpose and cover the different components and uses of the feature at hand, while others are more example-driven and motivate the use of the feature by setting up a problem and solving it, advanced swift updated for swift 4 pdf download. I tend to prefer the first style Solid coverage of most of the trickier features of the Swift programming language. I tend to prefer the first style though I know I'm in the minoritybut I also found the examples here well-done, advanced swift updated for swift 4 pdf download.

Rather than just dumping long code listings, the authors are careful to point out what each piece of code is demonstrating. As the title implies, this isn't a book to learn Swift from; start with Apple's free books on iBooks and at swift. org which are really very good. Apr 23, Daliso Ngoma rated it liked it. This book is very technical, but it does provide a good foundation into the advanced features of Swift.

Reader be warned that you'll need to have been clued up Apple's Swift Programming Guide because I felt myself having to jump between that and a few resources on the Internet.

This is truly not a bad thing as it gets you to sell out answers. One of my few gripes is the distinction of code snippets that were meant to serve as what to be done and snippets that were just explanations of what a cert This book is very technical, but it does provide a good foundation into the advanced features of Swift. One of my few gripes is the distinction of code snippets that were meant to serve as what to be done and snippets that were just explanations of what a certain concept was about.

Also the code snippets running over pages was a bit odd, especially for things that sweetness to be 10 lines or less. Most, if not all, of them didn't seem to fill a full page to justify them being awkwardly cut off.

Other the previously mentioned there was no conclusion. It just seemed so sudden an end to a book. If anything it seems more suited in the form of a PDF rather advanced swift updated for swift 4 pdf download the paperback I've currently finished.

Mar 26, Philip Scuderi rated it really liked it Shelves: favorites.

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Advanced swift updated for swift 4 pdf download

advanced swift updated for swift 4 pdf download

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